Friday, 9 October 2015

Sailing the 7 seas ... or just the gulf islands

Hey everyone.

Last week I had the opportunity to go on SALTS (Sail and Life Training Society). Its a legit sail boat and we were on board for 5 days!! It was amazing! I had never done anything like this before but I would totally do it again! We weren't just on the boat for a good time, we were a part of the crew (aye aye). We kept watch, hoisted sails, weighed and dropped anchor, did dishes, steered the ship, listened at the radio.

At the beginning of this trip, I wasn't sure how I felt about being stuck in such a small area with 30+ people. Honestly there were moments were it was a little crazy especially below the ship in the sleeping areas. Being together like this created many opportunities for intentional conversations. During watch I was paired with 1 other person for a length of time. So through that and just hanging out on the deck I  got to know some of the students better.

We were able to get off the boat at times. Our stops were not planned. We just sailed around and stopped at places based on the interests of our group. We stopped at Sydney Spit island for a nice beach day! Lots of fun to just walk along the beach in the beautiful weather God gave us

Another stop we made was at North Pender Island. We had a nice and very steep afternoon hike to a beautiful look out point.

When we got on the ship we were split into 3 groups. Each group took their turn being on watch. The ship was on watch 24/7. My watch leader, David, was very intentional in our conversations (all the crew member are Christians, which is so cool). During meals David always had questions to get to know us or 'food for thought' to get us thinking.

Here are some additional photos from the trip!
This is 3 of the crew members.

Got to climb the mast. This is me looking down from the top

Thanks for your prayers!

- Sabrina

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